The contact information for the various utilities and services are as follows:
Alabama Power
915 Queen City Avenue Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
City of Tuscaloosa Water and Sewer
2201 University Blvd
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
Comcast Cable
1451 Dr Edward Hillard Dr #100
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
With Comcast you will need to state your address as 2301 Veterans Memorial Pkwy EAST, as this is how we are entered in their computer. The account number for the "bulk associated" with the Summit is 09512-648438-01-5. You may or may not need this account number. Although basic cable is included Comcast internet IS NOT. You must sign up and pay for this service.
Wireless internet is available around the clubhouse and pool area.
The password for poolside Wi-Fi internet use is: SUMM2301
The pool gate code is: Press 2&3 simultaneously, next press 1, next turn the knob clockwise.
The general Vehicle entry gate code is: #5555
Gate clickers (remotes) can be purchased at the Clubhouse office for $20.00 each.